
This database was constructed by Kyoji Fukao & Ximing Yue (2000) for their paper "Sengo nihon kokunai ni okeru keizaishusoku to seisanyoso tonyu," (Economic Convergence and Factor Inputs in Post-War Japan), Economic Review, Vol. 51, No. 2.
If you use this database in your research, please refer to Fukao & Yue (2000) and mention this database in your paper.
Method of data construction [in Japanese] (PDF/26K): A more detailed description of the method of data construction than that provided in the appendix of Fukao & Yue (2000). |
Output by prefecture [in Japanese] (XLS/159K): Data such as "Gross prefectural domestic expenditure in real prices," "Capital stock in the private & public sectors," "Labor force," and "Human capital" which were used for the estimation of prefectural production functions. |
Factor mobility [in Japanese] (XLS/1337K): Data for the estimation of capital movements and income transfers by prefecture. Please also see the Correspondence table on sheet names and sheet contents. |

This database provides data on the presence of foreign-owned firms and the degree of market concentration in Japan at the 3-digit industry level based on aggregated micro-data of the 1996 Establishment and Enterprise Census. The construction of the database was part of the Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI) program "Research on the Potential Growth Rate of Japan". Included in this database are, for example, data on the value of foreign direct investment by 3-digit industry classification, on service trade, and on inward direct investment in the United States by industries.

Constructed and regularly updated by the macro research group of the Institute's Hi-Stat Project in collaboration with the research project "Study on Industry-Level and Firm-Level Productivity in Japan" of the Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry (RIETI), the Japan Industrial Productivity (JIP) 2006 Database contains annual data on 108 sectors from 1970-2002 that can be used for total factor productivity (TFP) analyses. These sectors cover the whole Japanese economy. The database includes detailed sectoral data such as capital service input indices, labor service input indicates, and real capital stocks; the nominal cost of capital by type of capital and by industry, annual nominal and real input-output tables; and several supplementary tables such as statistics on trade, inward and outward FDI, and Japan's industrial structure. All real values are based on 1995 prices.
EU KLEMS Database, March 2007
The Hi-Stat Project contributed to the construction of the EU KLEMS Database, which covers Japan, the United States, and EU countries up to 2004, by providing the JIP 2006 Database re-calculated for EU KLEMS. This work is also in collaboration with RIETI's research project "Study on Industry-Level and Firm-Level Productivity in Japan". |

Kazushi Okawa, Miyohei Shinohara, Mataji Umemura (eds., 1965-1988), Long Term Economic Statistics
(LTES), published by Toyo Keizai Shinposha. Time-series historical statistics of early modern Japan based on the System of National Accounts (SNA) presenting estimates of economic activity in Japan from the latter half of the 19th century to the end of World War II.
The LTES Database provides electronic access to the key parts of the Long Term Economic Statistics |
LTES Database
[Link to web page of Research Centre for Information and Statistics of Social Science]
This database can only be accessed from "ac.jp"domains.. |

AMU (Asian Monetary Unit) and AMU Deviation Indicators calculated and published by Eiji Ogawa and Junko Shimizu in a joint project of the Hi-Stat Program the Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry (RIETI) and published on the websites of both Hitotsubashi University and RIETI. These indicators are intended to contribute to the coordination of exchange rate policies in East Asian countries and to raising monetary authorities' surveillance capabilities. The database is updated weekly.

Asian Historical Statistics Project: ASHSTAT project, a sub-project of Hi-Stat project, aims to estimate long term economic statistics of Asian areas, which are based on the System of National Account: SNA and cover from pre-WWII period to the present. We release the original data for the estimation in this project to the public. Please refer the following page for the detail. |

Copyright (C) 2003 by Institute of Economic
Research. All rights reserved. |