
No. 1
Speaker: Cheng Hsiao(University of Southern California)
Title: Dynamic Panel Data Models
Date: 2004 3/8-3/9, 14:00-17:00
Place: Meeting room (Institute of Economic Research 4F)
No. 2
Speaker: Futoshi Yamauchi(National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies)
Title: Modeling and Testing Informational Learning:Human Capital
Date: 2004 11/29,12/6,12/13,12/20, 16:00-18:00
Place: Common research room (Institute of Economic Research)

No. 3
Speaker: Tsurumi Hiroyoshi(Rutgers University)
Title: Recent Developments in Bayesian Econometrics
Date:2006 1/10,1/11 14:00-17:20
Place: Sano-shoin Hall (Hitotsubashi University)
No. 4
Speaker: In Choi(Hong Kong University of Science and Technology )
Title: Non-Sationary Panel Data Models
Date: 2006 3/14, 14:00-17:20, 3/15, 14:00-15:30
Place: Meeting room (Institute of Economic Research 4F)
No. 5
Speaker: Takeshi Amemiya(Stanford University)
Title: Microeconometrics
Date: 2006 5/9, 5/16, 5/23, 14:40-16:10
Place: Meeting room (Institute of Economic Research 4F)

No. 6
Speaker: Edward Vytlacil(Columbia University)
Title: The Microeconometrics of Treatment and Policy Evaluation
Date: 2007 7/3, 7/5, 7/6, 13:00-16:20
Place: Meeting room (Institute of Economic Research 4F)
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