
No. 4
Speaker: Katsuhiro Sugita(University of Waewick)
Title: Bayes Analysis of Partially Cointegrated VAR Systems with Markov Regime Switching
Date: 2003 11/26 14:30-16:00
Place: Faculty Building2 (Hitotsubashi University)
No. 5
Speaker: Yoichi Arai (U.C.S.D.)
Title: Testing for Linearity in Regressions with I(1) Processes
Date: 2003 12/5 4:30-6:00
Place: Faculty Building2 (Hitotsubashi University)
No. 10
Speaker: Yuri Sasaki(Meiji Gakuin University)
Title: "Pass-Through of Exchange Rates on Import Prices of East Asian Countries"
Date: 2004 3/18 14:30-16:00
Place: IJRC (Hitotsubashi University)
No. 12
Speaker: Cheng Hsiao(University of Southern California)
Title: "Evaluating the Effectiveness of Washington state Repeated Job Search Services on the Employment Rate of Prime-age Female Welfare Recipients"
Date: 2004 3/5 14:00-16:00
Place: Meeting room (Institute of Economic Research 4F)
No. 13
Speaker: Luc Bauwens氏(CORE)
Title: "Dynamic latent factor models for intensity processes"
Date:2004 3/25 16:30-18:00
Place: Meeting room (Institute of Economic Research 4F)
No. 15
Fukuoka Workshop
Date: 2004 2/27-29
Place: Fukuoka,Solaria Nishitetsu Hotel (7F)
No. 16
In Collaboration with
Japan Foundation, Center for Global Partnership
Center for Japanese Studies, University of Michigan
Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI), Cabinet Office, Japan
Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University
International Economic Relations and Structural Change:
Issues and Policy Options for Japan and the United States
Pre-Conference Meeting of Authors
Room 2760, Sam Wyly Hall
University of Michigan, School of Business Administration
Saturday, March 13, 2004
Links to Papers

No. 17
Speaker: Tsurumi Hiroki(Rutgers University )
Title: Convergence Tests for MCMC Draws with an Application
Date:2004 4/9 16:30〜18:00
Place: Faculty Building2 (#217 seminar room Hitotsubashi University)
No. 18
The University of Michigan CGP project / The 21st century COE project Hi-Stat joint meeting Macro/Financial Issues and International Economic Relations:
Policy Options for Japan and the United States
Pre-Conference Meeting
Thursday, May 13, 2004
Center for Global Partnership Conference Facility
ARK Mori Building, 20th Floor
1-12-32 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-601
(Telephone: 03-5562-3542; Fax: 03-5562-3504)
No. 19
The University of Michigan CGP project / The 21st century COE project Hi-Stat joint meeting
International Economic Relations and Structural Change:
Issues and Policy Options for Japan and the United States
Links to Papers
2004 5/ 14-15,
Center for Global Partnership Conference Facility
ARK Mori Building, 20th Floor
1-12-32 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-601
(Telephone: 03-5562-3542; Fax: 03-5562-3504)
No. 20
The Macro finance workshop / The 21st century COE project Hi-Stat joint seminar
Speaker: Professor Anil Kashyap(The University of Chicago, Graduate School of Business)
Title: "Zombie Lending and Depressed Restructuring in Japan" (with Caballero and Hoshi)
Date: 2004 6/18 16:30-18:00
Place: Meeting room (Institute of Economic Research 4F)
No. 21
International exchange seminar/The 21st century COE project Hi-Stat seminar series
Speaker: Professor Robert Cassen (LSE)
Title: "21st-Century India"
Date:2004 5/12 16:00-
Place: Meeting room (Institute of Economic Research 4F)
No. 22
Maison Franco-Japonaise/ The 21st century COE project Hi-Stat seminar series
Speaker: Professor Alan Kirman (EHESS, France)
Title: "The economy as a complex system: Individual and collective rationality"
Date:2004 5/31 10:00-12:00
Place: #601 Maison Franco-Japonaise
No. 24
Macro Lunch seminar / The 21st century COE project Hi-Stat seminar series
Speaker: Professor John Brown (Clark University)
Title: "On the Search for Empirical Regularities of the Strong Laws of Comparative Advantage," (co-authored with Daniel Bernhofen and Laura Bernhofen).
Date:2004 6/10 12:00-13:30
Place: Common research room 1 (Institute of Economic Research 3F)
No. 30
The 21st century COE project Hi-Stat/J seminar series
Speaker: Jean-Pascal Bassino (Hitotubashi University visiting researcher)
Title: "Regional inequality in Japan, 1892-1941"
Date: 2004 9/27 15:40-17:30
Place: Common research room 1 (Institute of Economic Research 3F)
The date of this conference was changed to 29th, November, 2004
No. 33
Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy and Japan Economy Program,
Department of Economics, and Hitotsubashi University, Institute of Economic Research
Macro/Financial Issues and International Economic Relations:
Policy Options for Japan and the United States
October 22-23, 2004, Ann Arbor, MI
The details of this conference are HERE.
No. 37
Hitotsubashi Conference on Economic Statistics
Date: 2004:12/18-19
Place: #3201,Mercury Tower, Hitotsubashi University
| |
No. 40
The 21st century COE project Hi-Stat /J seminar series
Speaker: Yoshihisa Godo(Meiji Gakuin University )
Title: The Role of Education in the Economic Catch-Up:
Date: 2005 2/28 13:00〜
Place: Common research room 1 (Institute of Economic Research 3F)
Comparative Growth Experience from Japan, Korea, Taiwan and the United States (tentative title)

No. 43
The 21st century COE project Hi-Stat /J seminar series
Speaker: Professor Anne Booth (SOAS, University of London)
Title: "Did It Really Help to Be a Japanese Colony? The East Asian Economic Miracle in Historical Perspective."
Date: 2005 4/27 14:00-16:00
Place: Common research room 2 (Institute of Economic Research 3F)
No. 44
The Macro finance workshop / The 21st century COE project Hi-Stat joint seminar
Speaker: Professor Hak K. Pyo(Seoul National University) and Professor Bong Chan Ha (Seoul National University)
Title: "A Test of Separability and Random Effects in Production Function with Decomposed IT Capital"
Date: 2005 4/14 16:30-18:00
Place: Meeting room (Institute of Economic Research 4F)
No. 45
The 21st century COE project Hi-Stat /J seminar series
Speaker: Professor Janet E. Hunter (London School of Economicis and Political Science)
Title: "Understanding the economic history of postal services: some preliminary observations"
Date: 2005 5/16 15:00〜17:00
Place: Common research room 1 (Institute of Economic Research 3F)
No. 49
The Macro finance workshop / The 21st century COE project Hi-Stat joint seminar
Speaker: Professor Masao Ogaki(Ohio University)
Title: "The Distortionary Effects of Inflation: An Empirical Investigation"
Date: 2005 7/7 16:30-18:00
Place: Meeting room (Institute of Economic Research 4F)
No. 50
N.W. Posthumus Institute of Economic and Social History, Groningen
Hitotsubashi University 21st Century Program,
Research Unit for Statistical Analysis in Social Sciences,
the Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University
Technology and Long-run Economic Growth in Asia
Date: :9/8-9
Place: Sano-shoin, Hitotsubashi University
No. 53
COE economic study section: Japan-Asia seminar/ The 21st century COE project Hi-Stat seminar series
Speaker: Assistant Man Gunmin(Osaka University )
Title: "Rational Addiction with Optimal Inventories: Theory and Evidence from Cigarette Purchases in Japan"
Date: 2005 10/31 10:30〜12:00
Place: Common research room 2 (Institute of Economic Research 3F)
No. 56
Chorus French-Japanese Program
(Supported by the JSPS, the French Ministry of Education, and the COE
Hi-Stat program)
Workshop on regional inequality and growth in France and in Japan (1870-2005)
Maison Franco-Japonaise (NichiFutsu Kaikan, Ebisu, Tokyo)
December 3rd, 2005, from 14:00 to 16:30, Room 501 (5th floor)
14:00 -
Kyoji Fukao (Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University) and Yue Ximing (China Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing)
"Income convergence in Japan, 1950-2000"
14:30 -
Jean-Pascal Bassino (Maison Franco-Japonaise, and Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University) and Noriko Kato (National Institute of Public Health) "Regional inequality in post-WWII Japan;
income, life style, and stature"
15:00 -
Jean-Pierre Dormois (Marc Bloch University and Institut Universitaire de France) "Wage dispersion and the standard of living in
France, 1850-1913"
15:30 -
Laurent Heyberger (Belfort-Montbelliard University) "Stature and
real wages in 19th century France: a regional approach"
16:00 -
General discussion and round table
16:30 -
End of the workshop
No. 57
The Macro finance workshop / The 21st century COE project Hi-Stat joint semina
Speaker: Kouzo Kiyota(Yokohama Kokuritu University)
Title: "Effects of Offshore Production and Foreign-ownership on Employment in Japan" (with Toshiyuki Matsuura)
Date: 2005 12/15 16:30〜18:00
Place: Meeting room (Institute of Economic Research 4F)
No. 59
Hitotsubashi Conference on Econometrics
Date: January 7 - 8, 2006
Place: Rm 3201, Mercury Tower, Hitotsubashi University
January7, 2006 (Saturday) in English
Opening Address 13:00
Taku Yamamoto (Hitotsubashi University)
Session 1 13:05 - 15:05
Yukitoshi Matsushita (University of Tokyo)
Comparing tests of coefficients in microeconometric models
Naoto Kunitomo (University of Tokyo)
The asymptotic expansion of distribution of empirical likelihood estimator and its consequences in econometrics
Yoshihiko Nishiyma (Kyoto University)
Statistical properties of rank size rule regression under Pareto distribution
Break (20 minutes)
Session 2 (Invited Session): 15:25 - 17:25
Chang-Jin Kim (Korea University) with Charles R. Nelson
Estimation of a forward-looking monetary policy rule: A time-varying parameter model using ex-post data
Hiroki Tsurumi(Rutgers University)
Bayesian analysis of TARMA and FARMA nonlinear time series models
Myoung-Jae Lee (Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Difference in quasi-differences with panel data: Reversed effects of private school.
Reception 17:40-- Mercury Hall (7th floor of Mercury Tower).
January 8, 2006 (Sunday) in Japanese
Session 3 9:30 - 12:20
Keiko Yamaguchi (Hitotsubashi University)
Testing for change of the long memory parameter for nonstationary processes
Shinya Tanaka (Hitotsubashi University), Takayuki Shiohama (Hitotsubashi University)
Effects of the age distribution on the long run relationship between consumption and income in Japan
Break (10 minutes)
Teruo Nakatsuma(Keio University)
A Bayesian model averaging approach for portfolio selection
Naohiko Baba (Bank of Japan), Hiromichi Goko(Bank of Japan)
Survival analysis of hedge funds
Lunch break
Session 4 13:30 - 16:50
Hidehiko Ichimura(University of Tokyo)with R. Blundell, A. Gosling, and C. Meghir
Changes in the distribution of male and female wages: Accounting for employment composition using bounds
Ryo Okui (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
Shrinkage GMM estimation in conditional moment restriction models
Break (10 minutes)
Kazuhiko Hayakawa (Hitotsubashi University)
Efficient GMM estimation of dynamic panel data models where large heterogeneity may be present
Koichiro Kamada (Bank of Japan), Wataru Hirata (Bank of Japan), Hajime Wago (Nagoya University)
The land price correlation across prefectures in Japan: An analysis of spatial econometrics
Closing Address Taku Yamamoto (Hitotsubashi University)
* 21st Century COE Project "Research Unit for Statistical Analysis for Social Sciences," Hitotsubashi University.
* The Japanese Ministry of Education Scientific Research Grant No. (A) 17203016 (Principal: T. Yamamoto).
* Section on Econometrics and Financial Econometrics, Japan Statistical Society.
No. 62
The 21st century COE project Hi-Stat seminar series
Speaker: Jean-Pascal Bassino (Australian National University)
Title: "Market integration and Famines in Tokugawa Japan"
Date: 2006 2/10 14:00〜16:00
Place: Common research room 3(Institute of Economic Research 3F)
No. 64
Center for Economic Institutions Hitotubashi University/ The 21st century COE project Hi-Stat joint Conference.
Institutions, Politics and Corporate Governance
Date: 2006 3/4-3/5
Place: #3201,Mercury Tower,Hitotsubashi University
No. 65
The 21st century COE project Hi-Stat seminar series
Speaker: In Choi (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
Title: Inference for Predictive Regression with Nearly I(1) variables via Subsampling
Date: 2006 3/17 16:30〜18:00
Place: Meeting room (Institute of Economic Research 4F)

No. 69
The 21st century COE project Hi-Stat seminar series
Speaker: Mika Ueyama (Post Doctoral Fellow, International Food Policy Research Institute)
Title: "Mortality, Mobility and Schooling Outcomes among Orphans:Evidence from Malawi"
Date: 2006 6/12, 10:30-12:00
Place: Common research room 3(Institute of Economic Research 3F)
No. 70
International exchange seminar/The 21st century COE project Hi-Stat seminar series
Speaker1: Professor J. A. Doornik (Oxford University)
Title: "Outlier detection in GARCH models"
Speaker2: Professor Siem Jan Koopman (Free University Amsterdam)
Title: "Modelling high-frequency returns using semi-nonparametric methods"
Date: 2006 6/27 16:30〜18:30
Place: Meeting room (Institute of Economic Research 4F
No. 71
RIETI - 21st Century COE Hi-Stat Program Workshop
Industry- and Firm-Level Total Factor Productivity and Economic Growth in Japan
Date: 2006 7/24 9:30-17:50, 7/25 9:00-11:45
Place: #1121 seminar room RIETI
1-3-1Kasumigaseki,Chiyoda-ku ,Tokyo, Map
No. 75
International exchange seminar/The 21st century COE project Hi-Stat seminar series
Speaker: Andrew C. Harvey (University of Cambridge)
Title: Time-varying quantiles and tests of time invariance
Date: 2006 9/20 16:30〜18:00
Place: Meeting room (Institute of Economic Research 4F
No. 76
International exchange seminar/The 21st century COE project Hi-Stat seminar series
Speaker: Herman K. Dijk (Ersmus University Rotterdam)
Title: "Weak instruments in Econometrics: A Bayesian perspective and a reconsideration of the Angrist-Krueger analysis on returns to education"
Date: 2006 9/26 16:30-18:00
Place: Meeting room (Institute of Economic Research 4F
No. 78
Hi-Stat seminar / Economic statistics joint workshop
Speaker: Hiroki Tsurumi (Rutgers University)
Title: "Bayesian Inference of the Regression Model with Error Terms
Following the Exponential Power Distribution and unbiasedness of the LAD estimator"
Date: 2006 11/12 6:45-18:00
Place: Common research room 1(Institute of Economic Research 3F)
No. 82
Center for Economic Institutions Hitotubashi University/ The 21st century COE project Hi-Stat joint Conference.
Speaker: Professor Lee hun-chang (Korea University )
Title: "The Political Economy of Pre-industrial Trade in Northeast Asia"
Date: 2007 2/16, 10:30-12:00
Place: Meeting room (Institute of Economic Research 4F
No. 83
Toyota Foundation/Hi-stat joint seminar
"International Study of the Hospital in the 20th Century in Japan, the UK and the USA"
Date:: 2007 1/26-27
Place: Sano-shoin Hall Hitotubashi University
No. 84
A Joint Meeting with Economic Development Seminar Series,
COE Hi-Stat and International Seminar
Microeconometric Analysis -Methodology, Data & Empirics
Date: 10-11 March 2007
Conference Venue: Meeting Room (4F) Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University
No. 85
International Workshop on Consumption
Date: 2007 3/19, 13:00-18:30, 3/20, 9:00-18:00
Place: Graduate School of Commerce and Management Hitotsubashi Collaboration Center

No. 91
Hi-Stat seminar
Speaker: Mika Kamiyama(Post Doctoral Fellow, International Food Policy Research Institute)
Title: "Marriage Behavior Response to Prime-age Adult Mortality: Evidence from Malawi"
Date: 2007 7/4, 16:00-17:30
Place: Meeting room (Institute of Economic Research 4F
No. 92
Hi-Stat Workshop Week on Historical Statistics (I)
Mini-Workshop on Historical Comparison of International Income and Productivities
9:30-13:30, September 26, 2007
Sano-shoin, Hitotsubashi University, Kunitachi, Tokyo
Agenda & Papers
No. 93
Hi-Stat Workshop Week on Historical Statistics (II)
China's Industrial Structure and Economic Growth: A Historical Perspective
September 27, 2007
Sano-shoin, Hitotsubashi University, Kunitachi, Tokyo
Agenda & Papers
No. 94
Hi-Stat Workshop Week on Historical Statistics (III)
Hi-Stat Workshop on Historical Occupational Structures:
Asian and Eruropean Perspectives
September 28, 2007
Sano-shoin, Hitotsubashi University, Kunitachi, Tokyo
Agenda & Papers
No. 95
Sponsored by
Research Institute for Oriental Cultures, Gakushuin University
Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry (RIETI)
With cooperation from
Research Unit for Statistical Analysis in Social Sciences (Hi-Stat),
the Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University
Workshop on Productivity Database for China, Japan, and Korea
15:00-18:00, July 23, 2007
20 Floor Daido-seimiei Kasumigaseki Building
Kyoji Fukao (Hitotsubashi University):
Introductory Speech
Session 1 Collaboration of the productivity database in Japan and Korea
Chairman: Tomohiko Inui (Nihon University)
Hak.K.Pyo, Sun Young Jung, and Jeong Sam Cho (Seoul National Univeristy):
Estimates of Gross Fixed Capital Fomation, Net Capital Stock and Capital Intensity in Korea: by 11 Assets and by 72 industries (1970-2005)
Kyoji Fukao (Hitotsubashi University) and Tsutomu Miyagawa(Gakushuin University):
Some Analytical Issues about Productivity Growth in the Collaborating Work between Japan and Korea
(PPT file)
Session 2 Toward the construction of the productivity database in East Asian Countries
Chairman: Kaoru Hosono (Gakushuin University)
Hak.K.Pyo (Seoul National University), Keun Hee Rhee (Korea Productivity Center), and Hyunbae Chun (Sogang Univeristy):
Data Structure and Productivity Estimates of Korean Productivity Database
(PPT file)
Zhang Peng (Department of Economic Forecasting, State Information Center):
A description of the Chinese data for estimating productivity at industry level
No. 97
Hi-Stat seminar
Speaker: Professor V.K.Ramachandran (Indian Statisitical Insititute、Yokohama Kokuritsu University)
Title: "Financial Liberalisation and Rural Banking in India"
Date: 2007 9/19, 13:30-15:00
Place: Meeting room (Institute of Economic Research 4F
No. 98
Hitotsubashi Conference on Econometrics 2007
Date: 2007 11/24- 25
Place: #3201,Mercury Tower,Hitotsubashi University
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